Swimming Instructor Course

Swimming instructor courses in Singapore are categorised into 2 distinct groups:

1. National Registry of Coaches (NROC) Certification

2. Overseas Accredited Teaching Certifications

Looking to learn a skill where you can make a difference and impact lives positively? Be a qualified swim teacher by signing up for a swimming instructor course! We welcome you to embark on a fulfilling journey of making children and adults water safe!

National Registry of Coaches (NROC)

The NROC was created in 2003 to raise the standard and professionalism of sports coaching in Singapore. It serves to ensure minimum technical qualification of sport coaches, to ensure that practicing coaches continue to improve and that coaches provide a safe environment for their athletes. Today, there are over 4,000 coaches listed across 74 sports in the NROC and coaches can choose to publish their profile via an online public database.

Coaches in the NROC are duly certified under the Singapore Coach Excellence (SG-Coach) Programme (formerly known as the National Coaching Accreditation Programme or NCAP) in their respective sports and must hold Standard First Aid certification (including AED). They are committed to abide by the Coach’s Code of Ethics and meet the requirements for Continuing Coach Education Programme. This is part of the quality assurance to users of the coaching services that the coaches registered under NROC are up-to-date in their coaching knowledge and skills.

Through NROC, Sport Singapore aims to give recognition to coaches who have been certified and deemed competent by a national body. Doing so also allows the public to have easy access to qualified coaches.

Full Membership

Provisional Membership

  • Valid Standard First Aid (SFA) including AED Certificate
  • Basic Sport Science (BSS) Certificate (exempted for NCAP Theory certificate holder)
  • SG-Coach Level 1 (Theory) including Values & Principles in Sports or National Coaching Accreditation Programme (NCAP) Certificate or its equivalent
  • SG-Coach Level 1 (Technical) or NCAP Certificate or its equivalent
  • Valid Standard First Aid (SFA) Certificate
  • Values and Principles in Sport (VPS) Certificate or its equivalent
  • Other supporting documents of playing experience or coaching certification and experience in the sport of choice

Overseas Accredited Teaching Certifications


AUSTSWIM is Australia’s national organisation for the teaching of swimming and water safety and has gained an outstanding reputation. AUSTSWIM has developed quality aquatic education program for those wishing to enter the aquatic industry as a teacher of swimming and water safety.

The AUSTSWIM accreditation is the industry standard for swimming and water safety teachers and is delivered and recognised in each state and territory of Australia and many countries overseas.

Swimming Teachers’ Association (STA)

The Swimming Teachers’ Association is an international award-winning charity working towards the objective of preserving human life by the teaching of swimming, lifesaving and survival techniques.

This objective underpins all that we do at STA, and since 1932 has driven our commitment to providing the highest quality qualifications and charitable services within leisure.

As a national governing body for swimming and lifesaving with over 12,000 members, we continue to develop qualifications in swimming teaching, lifesaving and leisure management to support the needs of the industry.

Australian Swimming Coaches & Teachers Association (ASCTA)

Australian Swimming Coaches and Teachers Association (ASCTA) is a professional membership organisation responsible for maintaining the high ethical and educational standards of coaches. Coach Members of ASCTA are also members of Swimming Australia. ASCTA assists Swimming Australia with the administration of coach education courses.

How Do You Start?